snow globes and mastadons
the fuck do you need your goddamned toes for anyway? if serge can live with only one eye, you can live with no toe. I realize you would be bummed cause you already have a wooden leg on one side, but dude, all that means is that you are good at having missing body parts, like you can deal with it well. if such a thing were to happen to me, well, seeing as how I have full faculty of all my appendages, I would be much more traumatised, so in a way, lets just say you are taking one for the team, you know bro? cause I need to say this, seriously, it means a lot to me that you are giving up your only toe so that I can continue to have both of mine. Like I should tell everyone about this, cause thats the kind of thing that there needs to be more of in this world, you know? people, giving to other people, thats what this life is really all about, when you get past all the bullshit, like traffic and guns and crime and pollution and self mutilation and S&M clubs, the thing that REALLY matters, the thing that is like the glue holding the glitter onto the kindergarden collage is a motherfucker who will give up his toe for another motherfucker.
>Stand tall my brother, even when you are kneeling in front of the toilet, try to kneel with your ass raised up higher so it is the closest thing to standing tall that you can do without getting puke all over other shit, KNEEL TALL AND BE PROUD TO BE A PART OF SOMETHING, something more thant the simple self gratification of a suicide bombing, something akin to that part of 90210 when brendand and dylan were camping and dylan got into the mini bottles of liquor and went climbing or some shit, and he was falling, but you know what, when he was falling and drunk, brendan wasnt all "dude, this sucks" FUCK NO, he was all "hold on bro!" and he could have slipped, and he most definitely chaffed his arm on that rock, and probably got a tear in his dope levis, but you what, he did it, thats what counts, when thte time came, he was only about getting dylan back up off the cliff, कौसे thats is what matters.
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